2. ARŞİV



Bugün iki liderin Kıbrıs müzakereleri kapsamında yaptıkları görüşmenin ardından, BM Genel Sekreteri Kıbrıs Özel Danışmanı Aleksander Downer açıklama yaptı. Downer’in açıklamasının İngilizce tam metni şöyle; The Leaders met today for three hours a


Bugün iki liderin Kıbrıs müzakereleri kapsamında yaptıkları görüşmenin ardından, BM Genel Sekreteri Kıbrıs Özel Danışmanı Aleksander Downer açıklama yaptı. Downer’in açıklamasının İngilizce tam metni şöyle;


The Leaders met today for three hours and they discussed property and
territory. They presented documents. Both sides presented documents, and
they decided after some detailed discussion of these documents that it
would be productive for the Representatives to take on the discussion
henceforth in relation to these documents in order to ensure not just
clarifications but with a view to coming to convergences.
There is no doubt the atmosphere was a good atmosphere today, a positive
atmosphere and an encouraging atmosphere. So that is the procedure that is
going to take place, and the Representatives will meet on Monday to take
this work forward.
The second thing to say is that I will be going to Greece myself on Monday
to meet with the Greek Foreign Minister and the Greek Government so I won’t
be here for the Representatives’ meeting but it is important for us, in the
United Nations, to keep in touch with the three guarantor powers.
I went to Turkey fairly recently and it is time I went to Greece so the
Foreign Minister has invited me to go, and I look forward to meeting up
with him.
The third thing to say to you is that next Wednesday I will be discussing
the Cyprus issue with the United Nations Security Council. I won’t be
travelling to New York but I will be meeting with them through cyberspace,
through a video telecommunications link-up. So I will be doing that, I
think I am right in saying, about 6 or 6.30 in the evening Cyprus time,
from here
We think it is important to keep in constant contact with the Security
Council and that members of the Security Council are properly briefed on
what is happening in the negotiations, and we think this negotiation, while
Cyprus-owned and Cyprus-led, has of course very great implications for the
broader European Community. After all, these negotiations are under the
auspices of the United Nations, they are under the auspices of Security
Council Resolutions so the international community has a great interest in
how these negotiations are progressing, and it is an important part of my
work to make sure that they are fully briefed.

Question: Have the Leaders discussed any maps or figures?

AD: I think I have explained this on a number of occasions. They have been
discussing territory and property. There are a whole raft of issues within
the context of territory which go way beyond just the question of maps and
figures because, obviously, if you are going to transfer the boundaries
then that is going to have implications for people, and all of that has to
be thought about, and those people who might be affected by any changes in
boundaries have to be looked after, consistent with not just law but in a
way more importantly, just consistent with good decent human practice. So
there has to be thought given to all of those sorts of things.
As I have said before, when it comes to maps and figures both sides have
agreed that they will discuss maps and figures towards the end of the
process, and there has never been any suggestion that this week or last
week when they are talking about territory and property, they will be
discussing maps and figures. They have their own thoughts about these
things, of course, but maps and figures both Leaders have agreed they will
leave towards the end of the process.

Question: You said that the Leaders were discussing property and territory
today. Does it mean that they have discussed these two chapters together?

AD: Certainly today there were aspects of both territory and property that
were discussed in both sides’ proposals. So when I say documents, these are
documents of proposals. And yes, certainly, there is a discussion about
both those things

Question: We have seen that Mr Iacovou is still here. Is there anything
still going inside?

AD: There is lunch.

Question: Was the issue of drilling discussed?

AD: It only came up in the very first meeting after the summer break. It
wasn’t discussed at all today, no mention of it in any context.

Question: Were the property experts present at the meeting today?

AD: If you mean the consultants that we use, the consultants don’t sit in
the meetings, just the professional UN people sit in the meetings. And the
consultants, they are in the building, sometimes, so we, the UN, can go and
consult them or the parties can as well. So we have one of our property
consultants here at the moment.

Question: So (inaudible)

AD: They do that the whole time. And as you know, we have Mr Cesar das
Neves, from the European Commission, from Mr Barroso’s office, who has
joined our team. He came down here just at the beginning of the meeting, to
meet with the Leaders but he has gone off on appointments. I know he has
met with Mr Christofias and Mr Iacovou and a number of Greek Cypriot
political identities: Mr Garoyian, Mr Omirou, I think. He is going to go
through a process of meeting with the Turkish Cypriot leaders as well. I
think this afternoon, don’t hold me to this, but I think, he is meeting
with Mr Eroglou.

Question: Why did the Leaders leave so early?

AD: Because really, just a practical thing, they have felt they have made
some good progress at their level, and some of the detail needs to be
worked through, questions asked and answered, detail refined by the
Representatives. And given that they have done some successful work on
various proposals they have been putting forward, it was felt that it was
best if it was taken forward by the Representatives from here because it is
a technical work.

(In addition to his remarks, Mr Downer suggested some alternative
arrangements for media coverage of the meetings, including a proposal to
schedule a regular press briefing at 3pm on the days the leaders meet.)


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